Privacy information

In accordance with the decree law Art 13 of Legislative Decree n 196/2003, the Society ESTARS PRODUCTION , Milan 20157 based in Via Renato Simoni,3 Italy, owner of the data processing in case granted, within the law on protection of the privacy and in particular under the Art 13 Legislative Decree n 196/2003, would like to inform you that personal data ,  will be part of the  processing by Estars Production and that, according to the above mentioned decree, this processing will be based on fair, lawful and transparency principles and protection of his discretion and of his rights.

Therefore, you are invited to study all information contained in the various sections of data request.

  1. Information on copyright
  2. Normative related to information requests via e-mail

Estars Production is the owner of the personal data processing, Milan based, in Via Renato Simoni,3 20157 Italy.Matteo Bonsanto is the person in charge of  data processing  for website and resident, for these purposes, in the Society headquarters.

This normative is valid only for the site and not for other sites in case consulted by subscribers throughout links.

The website records the IP address of guests who consult this page.

  1. Information on copyright

The website, the graphics interface and collected information are protected works according to Art 11 of the decree law 633/41 and legislative decree 169/99. All the original contents included in this website (texts, images and more) are Estars Production owned and protected by normative related to copyright.

Except when differently provided,  issued information in the web site can be reproduced provided that their integrity will be respected and the information source mentioned together with the web site address.

Documents download, images and other sort of files contained in the site can be done for personal use only and not for commercial one; therefore it is forbidden the reproduction the use, even partial, of contents of the site for profit purposes.

Brands, names and mentioned companies within this site are owned by the pertaining owners and are protected by the brands, patent and/or copyright normative in force. Therefore, they cannot be used without prior written consent of the owners.

ESTARS PRODUCTION will in any case disclaim any and all liability for the usage of contents included in the site,   and damages directly or indirectly incurred as the result of the use.

  1. Normative of Art 13 of the decree law n 196/2003 for requests sent via web site

In accordance with the Leg. Decree n 196 of 30 June 2003 (Code related to the personal data), concerning the protection of persons and other subjects compared to personal data processing, the writing Society would like to inform you that your supplied personal data will be subject to ESTARS PRODUCTION processing, and that, according to the normative, will be based on accuracy principles, transparency and your discretion protection and your rights.

Sources of treated data

The writing Society, with regards of  relationship management engagement, will process your essential data for  your information request evaluation.

Conditions of data collection

Data will be collected throughout our web site and stored in our Milan headquarters,Via Renato Simoni,3 20157 Italy.

Processing methods

Data will be processed either on paper or magnetic media or ever via electronic networks, for lawful and explicit purposes, that will be later listed.

Processing purposes

Data supplied by the interested subject will be exclusively processed for relationship management and to fulfil information demands.

Source of the data ordinance

Personal data ordinance is facultative, and therefore not mandatory. The data controller   makes known that, the data denial, or the following processing, will not allow the writing Society to fulfil your request.

Duration of the processing

All data in object will be stored for the necessary time in order to consider you request and lately, will be included in a database of subscribers in contact with our Society.

Data circulation and communication location

Your data will not be communicated or circulated. They, in any case, will be accessible by the Garante  (appointed by the  law) according to their permission profile and data controller.

The writing Society will grant the maximum discretion by above mentioned third party, and will grant to process the data only for above-mentioned purposes.

Interested party rights

As for the data, you will exercise, in any moment, the referred rights  to Art 7 of the Decree law n 196/2003, limited and in cases referred  by Art 8, 9 and 10 of the Decree Law.

In particular, based on Art 7, the interested party have the right to:

  1. The right to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data relating to the interested party and their communication;
  2. The right to obtain the origin source of personal data, purposes and  processing conditions, of the applied logics in case the processing will be displayed with electronic means help;
  3. The right to obtain to amend, rectify or, when interested, complete the data.
  4. Withdraw, change in anonymous form or block the processed data infringing the law
  5. The right to obtain the declaration that what listed in points c.) and d.) have been acknowledged by subjects to whom data have been communicated, with the exception of impossible unfulfilment or the usage of means is disproportionate compared with the right protection.
  6. The right to prohibit, for legal reasons, data processing concerning the interested party
  7. The right to prohibit data processing concerning the interested party with regards of advertising material, retail selling, market research or public service announcement.
  8. The right to know the Garante and processing data controllers.
  9. The right to know subjects to whom communicate the data or subjects who have the right to know the data as data controllers or persons in charge of it.


Garante  of processing, data controller and forwarded requests.

  1. The Garante of the data processing is the writing Society ESTARS PRODUCTION Milan based, in Via Renato Simoni,3 20157 Italy, represented by its legal representative.
  2. Data controller for personal data processing is Matteo Bonsanto resident for these purposes in the Society headquarters, person to whom address, in written, everything concerning your data processing, and particularly, for the application of the rights regarding Art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003.
  3. ESTARS PRODUCTION will disclaim any and all liability for any infringments which may be incurred by the law in force as for the privacy, in case of subscription gaining access form  external sites linked to this site.


To enhance the supplied service an immediate report regarding malfunctions, abuses or comments at the e-mail address: will be appreciated.

Published on Monday, 12th June 2017,6068